Sunday, November 11, 2012

MP 2646     Camped at a small spring.   Weather getting colder and I am hiking with a windshirt and gloves.   There is a beautiful aroma in the air, somewhat like Parmesan.    The golden-yellow Larch tremble and quake in the wind.  Berries at this elevation are all gone now.   The North Cascades are stunning in their beauty.   I love the beep of the picas which dodge behind the rocks when they see me.   There are sprinkles of rain but my luck is still holding and I have been able to stay dry.
     I reached the PCT terminus monument on the Canadian Border today.    The hike is officially over.   There are nine more miles to Manning Park where I will finish the hike at MP 2669.   

1 comment:

  1. EasyMiles,

    I'm putting together a list of 2012 Thru-hikers who completed the trail. Could you tell me your ending date. I think the Nov 11 date on your last entry is your posting date, not the end date, right?


